Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Outporing of my little heart

I ran aimlessly, running hard and crying.
tears make my heart melt when you where playing behind me.
Indeed look on my face showed a sense of cheerful and happy,
but in my heart saved a very deep wound.
I regret having taught first, yes first ~!! ,.,.
I taught her many things about science that i have.
I taught with a sense of genuine and science to
expect good result for her.

After a few days I taught, indeed the result
are pretty much what I wanted before :),,
I feel relieved because he was the same as
having knowledge commensurate with me :) ,,
but after a while I'm out for ideas to
fill the record my inspiration, she interrupted.
I have been defeated by it . . .
but I'm still happy and proud that I was able to teach her :)

Day after day have I been through,
it turns out he's not getting respect for me,
she even boasted of her brainchild for her own benefit.
She want to be famous amoung my friends.
He bragged all sciences that have to give her :(. \
She did'nt want to admit me as a giver of knowledge
for her, he even claim that she himself is looking for her science.

What a sick feeling in my heart betrayed by her.
I'm so sorry that had been taught and share
my knowledge to her.
And now what happens? my work only to be insulted by her.
I can only cry in my heart :'( .
And in my heart say "
I'm no smarter than you !! but remember ~!! 
In my life I never hare my knowledge to YOU ~!!!"                                                                                                                  

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