Minggu, 27 November 2011

14th ! 14th ! 14th !

November 24th 2011 <<< This is my birthday, 14th years !
That day was an ordinary Thursday, there is nothing special on that day. But, there are many person who made that day special :) They are my family and my friends They gave gifts to them for granted but to me that is a amazing gifts. Very grateful to my Beloved Mom because she was the first to say 'happy birthday' for me at 00 : 15 AM, But Big thanks also to all my Beloved Friends who have say 'happy birthday' for me from via sms and social network like facebook and twitter. Big Hug from me  (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)

I am also very grateful to my friends, savira, yanis, miko, nadya, ima, kamila, alfian, and alwan for having made ​​a little party at school, it is very special to me. Thanks also to GreysonChance would come to Indonesia right on my birthday even though it was just coincidence haha LOL ! although I do not see directly mini concert in jakarta but I really enjoy the melodious voice and his handsome on television, haha. Although I really enjoyed it. 

There is one message for me from my friends on my birthday
"nopek, umurnya sudah empat belas taun, tambah tua... tetep jadi nopek yang gampang ketawa dan jangan jadi orang yang garing dan nyebelin yah !" (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)

And, there is a gifts from my old friends for this cute shaun the sheep to me :)

haha, That is the coolest sentences and hard for me to forgotten :)

Kamis, 17 November 2011


- I know YOU don't think that I'am trying -


- I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start -